Gato Plugins products

Refund policy

Gato Plugins money-back guarantee & refund policy

Date last modification:

We want to be sure that the plugin you purchased from Gato Plugins is the right tool to satisfy your needs. If you have encountered any issue, please contact us and let us know: We will do our best to fix the problem.

If you believe that purchasing our product was not the right decision, you can request a refund within the first 30 days of the purchase date.

The refunded amount will be your paid amount, minus the fees charged by our marketplace provider, Lemon Squeezy (which are typically $0.50 + 6.5% of the total amount, + 0.5% for subscriptions), as these are not returned.

Request a refund

To request a refund, please complete the form below, clearly indicating why you are not happy with the product:

By clicking "send" you consent to allow Gato Plugins to store and process the personal information submitted above.

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